Diamond Stainless specialise in manufacturing of commercial kitchens, domestic benches, outdoor BBQ areas, wall panelling and cover panels.
With their client base growing and production requirements increasing, the company realised their method of producing everything by hand was too time consuming, so they had to explore new solutions to meet increasing business demands and client expectations.
Diamond Stainless installed an OMAX Maxiem 1530 waterjet in December 2016 and are delighted with the results.
“It used to take us at least an hour to cut each part, whereas it now takes a matter of minutes. The software has been incredibly easy to learn – and the machine tells us the amount of time it will take so we can manage our workflow. While the system is cutting, we can prepare other jobs so we’re always one step ahead in the process,” explains Managing Director, Andrew Kent.
Mark Tapley, Operations Manager, says “the software is one of the best I’ve ever used; it’s user-friendly and makes programming so much easier. The cleaning function is handy; it’s quick and easy to receive and process our customers drawings. The intuitive layout and simple commands means it’s been straightforward for other members of our production team to pick up.”
Diamond Stainless are now not only saving time in production but greatly reducing scrappage rates. Production costs are reduced even further by eliminating human error and making the parts right first time.
Mark has found another advantage to having a MAXIEM system. “We have also been able to use the waterjet to modify existing press brake and punch tooling, giving us huge savings in our manufacturing and tooling costs, and it means we can react quickly to our customers needs.”
One of the key features of the MAXIEM for Diamond Stainless is that the cutting process produces no heat, so there is no risk of distorting materials. The machine is equipped with the ability to stack and cut several pieces of material at once.
“We’ve now got a safer, cleaner working environment. There’s no dirt, dust or grit, plus it only uses water and garnet so it’s a very organic process.” says Andrew.
For more information call 1300 592 061 or email marketing@headland.com.au
Visit Diamond Stainless website here