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Case Study

RTK Industries

RTK Industries

Headland sat down with General Manager, Andrew Tebby to discuss their business and new initiatives continue to drive their growth. Andrew has been with the company for over three years.

About RTK

RTK Industries, based in Victoria, manufacture mining components transport parts for large national suppliers. They specialise in laser and robotic welding, laser cutting and CNC routing, bending and folding, metals fabrication and machining, finishing and assembly project design. They thrive on working on unique and challenging projects and have large national customers that rely on their timely response and quality output.

Initiatives that Drive RTK’s Success

  • Investing in the right equipment.
  • Increasing their sales channels.
  • Value adding.

Investing in the Right Equipment

‘Equipment is something that companies need to continually invest in and support. We have one of the highest performing TRUMPF lasers in the country; however, to ensure the output is at its optimum level we have to invest in servicing it. If the machine is working to capacity, then I can feed more work through, keep to customer deadlines and ultimately improve our company’s performance’, Andrew says.

RTK’s production output has increase substantially by incorporating the KUKA robot to help with the welding side of the business;

‘Manually we were producing two cabinets a day, now with the KUKA robot, and this has increased to 10 a day. It just makes our life not only more efficient, but easier.

‘We also need to work closely with our suppliers, Headland’s service team is critical to our business; for example, with Headland service engineer, Sharky, our TRUMPF bender now calibrates so well, there is no need for an RDM (electronic calibrating unit),’Andrew says.

Increasing Our Sales Channels

‘In our line of business, it’s all about selling the whole business to prospective customers, telling them everything that we can provide them with from cutting and welding through to project design. The best way to do this is with good, on-the-ground sales people. Since the implementation of this initiative we have seen a strong growth in sales’.

Adding Value

‘I don’t believe in discounting your services, you can’t run a successful business like that, and then no one benefits if you can’t afford to keep your doors open. I strongly believe in value adding, we can do a lot for businesses, and if they only have to go to one supplier then it saves them time too. And with strong relationships you can really keep your costs down, quality up and production time turnaround to an absolute minimum. It works well for both parties and that is what I have aimed to do since joining RTK,’ Andrew states.

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