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EuroBLECH – The World’s No. 1 for Innovations in Sheet Metal Working

EuroBLECH – The World’s No. 1 for Innovations in Sheet Metal Working

Headland Machinery attended to Hanover in Germany for EuroBLECH 2016, the 24th International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition.

The bi-annual show ran for 5 days, and saw a total of 60,636 visitors from over 100 countries in attendance.

EuroBLECH gave an insight into the newest technical developments in sheet metal processing, and provided visitors with the opportunity to invest in state-of-the-art production equipment.

“EuroBlech is a must attend event, showcasing new and innovative technology that will position manufacturers to take advantage of the advanced manufacturing movement. As always, TRUMPF were exceptional, with the best stand to show new machinery – the TruLaser Cell 5030 and the TruPunch 1000.  EuroBLECH is TRUMPF’s way of showing that they really are industry leaders, and on behalf of all at Headland Machinery, we couldn’t be prouder to represent them,” says Warrick Theron, Sales Manager at Headland Machinery.

The event ran from 25 – 29 October.