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A Day in the Life of Anna De Luca – Headland’s New Customer Service Rep

A Day in the Life of Anna De Luca – Headland’s New Customer Service Rep

Headland Machinery prides itself on great customer service. Whether it’s from our sales team, engineers or service staff, we strive to help our customers achieve business success.

Anna De Luca is Headland’s new Customer Service Representative (Southern Region) and she brings 15 years of experience to the team.

We sat down with Anna and discussed how she prepares for her day in the office and the challenges she occasionally faces when helping our Headland customers.

Daily Preparation

To quote Elbert Hubbard, ‘The best preparation for GREAT WORK TOMORROW is to do GREAT WORK TODAY!’. That mentality alongside a good breakfast and a great cup of coffee is always the order for the day.

My day begins at the office,  coordinating, scheduling and ensuring all engineers have a case/task to attend to and that any outstanding issues or follow up’s with parts are booked in for completion. Good time management ensures that tasks are scheduled according to priority.

Best Part of the Day

The best part about my day is knowing that customer’s machines have been repaired and are back in production. It’s also great to know that our engineers are servicing customers machines to increase maximum use and productivity – this is the best part of not only my day but of my job.

I take pride in providing exemplary customer service and support to the engineers and management – a good thank you is always a good sign of a job well done.

Challenges Faced on the Job

Every single job has its challenges and it’s how you view challenges in the negative or the positive which ultimately define the outcome. I guess the biggest challenge for me is doing more with less… if I have 5 urgent cases but only 4 engineers available, and then multiply this by a week, ultimately this can become a challenge within a challenge. The way I view it though, is the harder the challenge the greater the opportunity.

I don’t take but for an answer.

I aim to keep customers and key stakeholders informed about the progress of a case and follow up on every enquiry with exceptional diligence.

Unwind and Relax

I enjoy reading biographies, (hoping to write my own) and watching old black and white movies – Casablanca is my favourite! I’m a huge fan of comedy and just in general a good bottle of white wine, picnic basket and a stroll down the beach with my loved ones, watching the sun rise or set is as good as it gets on the weekends.

I also enjoy attending street food fairs and with work permitting I enjoy travelling interstate and finding remote areas for family getaways.


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