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Case Study

Sistema Invests in Makino F9 Vertical Machining Centre

Sistema Invests in Makino F9 Vertical Machining Centre

Sistema plastics make a wide range food storage products including lunchboxes, tupperware and water bottles. Starting out in a small garage in New Zealand, Sistema is now a globally recognised company with over 700 employees, exporting goods to 82 countries across the world and counts its customers in the millions.

In order to cater for the high customer demand, Sistema purchased a Makino F9 Vertical Machining Centre. The sustained accuracy and thermal stability of the machine provides high tolerance machining. Leaders in machine tool technology, Makino machines are renowned for their dynamic accuracy, reliability and high quality outcomes.

Simon Clark, Machine Shop Manager from Sistema explains “the thermal stability and time accuracy provided by our Makino machine ensures that we keep up with production demands, which are highly important in our business. The local application support we receive from Headland ensures that we keep production running 24/7.”

Check out the Sistema website.

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